Commencing moi research!

January 10, 2016

Over this weekend I was surfing through the internet seeking some information regarding the Native American people, their history, Movements, Art and crafts, symbolism and myths.

It was quite amusing, their beliefs and backgrounds were strong and impactful. Their art/craft forms were attractive and had a story linked.

But the thing problem I’m facing is that I do not know to go about with the research as in where to begin from and how to proceed.




So guys let me begin by telling you what my blog will be about. This blog will take you through my journey of the many sleepless nights and long days of working on the assignment I discussed in my previous post.

We had been given various topics such as :
CULTURES: Japanese, Chinese, Australian Aboriginals, Maori, Indonesian, Egyptian, Moroccan, African, Islamic/Persian, Mughal, Greek/ Greco-Roman/ Roman, Native Americans.
INDIAN CRAFT: Madhubani, Gond, Tie and Dye, Patua, Warli, Phad etc.
ART MOVEMENTS: Art Nouveau, Rococo, Pop Art, Cubism, Surrealism etc.

So of all these topics my friend Mansi Antil and I chose Moroccan Architecture because of its magnificent domes, and the vibrancy of colours and textures. But our tutors weren’t satisfied with our choice and suggested we do something else because they believed that we could do much better.

After much thought we chose to take our research upon the Native American Culture, which is quite vast, rich and diverse. THIS IS WHERE THE STRUGGLE BEGAN.


A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS. Welcome to my first blog. Hope you will enjoy reading my work and it helps you in some way.

Today my college resumed after a much needed 15 days winter break. I was headed to my grandparents place in Amritsar for the new years. It was a  great feeling to meet my friends and teachers after so many days because I had become used to seeing them almost everyday.

Our semester’s first class commenced with two of our teachers together briefing us about the new semester. This times assignment is an eight week long module, wherein we have to select a Culture/Art Movement/Indian Craft and do an in-depth research and draw inspiration from what we chose so that we make or come up with a final product designed by us based on the inspiration drawn from research.

So I spent my day excited and anxious at the same time as to how we will proceed with our work in the journey.BA